Monday, June 4, 2007

Bill O'Reilly's Colorphobia

Interviewing Republican presidential candidate John McCain on the May 30, 2007 broadcast of his show The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly, never shy in expressing an opinion, said that open borders for "illegal aliens" would "change, pardon the pun, the whole complexion of America. Am I wrong?" McCain responded, "No, you're right." O'Reilly later accused the New York Times and the "far left" of trying to (in O'Reilly's words) "break down the white Christian male power structure of which you (McCain) are part and so am I."

O'Reilly apparently agrees with Pat Buchanan, who has proclaimed that "White America is in flight." This is a colorblind country? Yeah, right. Where is the news media? Where is the outrage (real or faked)?

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