Sunday, June 22, 2008

President Bill Clinton And "The Comeback Id"

In his much discussed Vanity Fair article on former President Bill Clinton, Todd Purdum reports that Clinton's campaigning on behalf of Senator Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary "damaged his own relations with many prominent blacks, just as black voters were flocking to Barack Obama for the first time in large numbers."

More: "Whatever the explanation, much of Clinton's behavior on the campaign trail this year has been so maladroit as to constitute malpractice: his blowups at television reporters, his derisive dismissal of Obama's unwavering anti-war stance as a 'fairy tale,' and most of all his denigrating comparison of Obama's performance in the South Carolina primary to Jesse Jackson's victories there two decades ago (which even one of his closest former aides described to me as insensitive at best)." "Congressman James E. Clyburn of South Carolina . . . called Clinton's behavior 'bizarre.'"

Worth reading.

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