Monday, January 19, 2009

Dyson On King And Obama

Michael Eric Dyson, writing in The Root: President-elect Obama "may be the realization of [Martin Luther King, Jr.'s] dream, but he is not the extension of King's prophetic ministry. Neither should he be expected to carry that mantle. As the first president who is black, Obama has made millions of black hearts, including mine, swell with pride. But he is a politician, not a prophet, and should be judged as a political figure."

On post-racial, "a term Obama has never used": "Obama's success should not move us toward a post-racial society, but it should move us toward a post-racist society. A post-racist society aims for racial justice and harmony by removing racial impediments and social obstacles that prevent folk from flourishing. A post-racist society creates opportunity for all people to realize their ambitions and goals without unjust restraint and unfair barriers."

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