Monday, March 16, 2009

More Michael Steele

Check out Republican Party chairman Michael Steele's interview with GQ, headlined "The Reconstructionist." Some highlights or lowlights, depending on your baselines and views:

Steele listens to P. Diddy and is a big Rat Pack fan (Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, etc.).

At the Republican National Convention Steele looked out at the convention floor; in his words, "Look at the room. Thirty-six black folks in the room? What, are you kidding me? Out of 4,000 people? Come on!"

On why the Republican Party has so few minority supporters: "'Cause we have offered them nothing!"

On dealing with criticism: "I ask God, 'Hey, let me show just a little bit of love, so I absolutely don't go out and kick this person's ass.'"

On gay marriage as a state issue: "Just as a general principle, I don't like mucking around with the Constitution."

On whether homosexuality is a choice: "I don't think I've ever really subscribed to that view, that you can turn it of and off like a water tap. . . . It's like saying, 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being black.'"

On whether women should have the right to choose abortion: "Yeah. I mean, again, I think that's an individual choice."

On women's right to choose if Roe v. Wade was overruled: "The states should make that choice. That's what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states. Let them decide."

On the fact that his Starbucks has not closed: "No, my Starbucks has not closed. And it better not! You cannot close a Starbucks in a black community. We'll riot!" (Really? Really?)

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