Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Bigot Is A Bigot

Leonard Pitts writes about the beating of Brian Williams, an 18-year-old beaten after he walked his girlfriend home in Buffalo, New York. "A mob of 10 to 12 black males then stomped and kicked him and hit him with . . . concrete--all in the head and face . . . As they struck him, they taunted him. 'You white motherf___, we told you to stay away from here. These are "our" streets. We told you, stay away from our women.'" Brian is white; his girlfriend is black.

Pitts: "I loathe bigotry in all its forms, but I have a special problem with bigotry as practiced by those who, by dint of history, should know better. When Jews hate Muslims for their religion, when gays scorn straights for their sexual orientation, when blacks beat a white teenager for the color of his skin, it suggests people too dense to understand the moral of their own story, the meaning of their own passages. The minority is no more righteous in hate than the majority is."

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