Saturday, October 24, 2009

On Pat Buchanan (Again)

Pat Buchanan (who is still an MSNBC commentator!!) worries about "traditional Americans" losing "their" nation in this column. And who are these "traditional Americans"? According to Buchanan, they are alienated and radicalized white Americans. "America was once their country. They sense they are losing it. And they are right." Some racial arson will get you fired (see Don Imus) or not invited into the club (see Rush Limbaugh). But Buchanan goes on and on and on.

Andrew Sullivan notes that "America--once uniformly white--is now, for [Buchanan] and those he speaks for, bewilderingly multicultural and multi-confessional. Hence the anxiety. Hence the panic." Buchanan's premise that this is a "white" country is wrong, Sullivan argues: "From its very beginning, after all, America was a profoundly black country as well." Check out his discussion of this point.

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