Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fried Chicken And Black History Month

A lunch special at the NBC commissary stated that in honor of Black history month the menu would include (as selected by chef Leslie Calhoun, who happens to be black) fried chicken, collard greens with smoked turkey, white rice, black-eyed peas, and other items. A picture of the menu was taken and tweeted by ?uestlove, drummer for the Roots. Moments later the menu vanished and NBC sent the following tweet: "The sign in the NBCU cafeteria has been removed. We apologize for anyone who was offended by it." Chef Calhoun was upset.

UPDATE: ?uestlove has stated that he thought that the sign was "funny" and "in No way did i ever think that this was some cruel insensitive joke on behalf of jef zucker and his comrades at nbc . . ."

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