Khadijah Williams, age 18. Homeless; attended 12 schools in 12 years; lived out of garbage bags. Marked by teachers as gifted at age 9. From her college application essay: "I have felt the anger at having to catch up in school . . . being bullied because they knew I was poor, different, and read too much. I knew that if I wanted to become a smart, successful scholar, I should talk to other smart people."
Ms. Williams has been admitted to Harvard.
Observations on African Americans and other people of color and the significance of "race" in a (purportedly) colorblind world
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Major League Baseball's Civil Rights Game
Major League Baseball's Gillette Civil Rights Game was played Saturday night in Cincinnati, Ohio. MLB's homepage coverage of the game and related events can be seen here.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Michelle Obama Likened To A Gorilla
A recent Facebook report noted that a gorilla had escaped from a zoo in Columbia, South Carolina. This from South Carolina Republican Rusty DePass: "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors--probably harmless."
When busted for this racist and supremacist idiocy, DePass gave one of those anticipated and ridiculous "apologies": "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest." Yeah, that's funny. Hilarious.
When busted for this racist and supremacist idiocy, DePass gave one of those anticipated and ridiculous "apologies": "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest." Yeah, that's funny. Hilarious.
Hate Items For Sale
Want to buy a "Scott Roeder American Hero" design? Or an "Impeach Barack Obama" poster complete with a picture of an assault weapon? Crooks and Liars reports on this sickness.
Sherri Goforth's Racist E-Mail About President Obama
Check out this story (and picture) on an e-mail sent by Sherri Goforth, an administrative assistant to Tennessee state Senator Diane Black, to other Republican staffers. The e-mail has portraits of the first 43 presidents; President Obama is depicted as two white eyes set against a black background.
Was Goforth (who said that she sent the e-mail "to the wrong list of people")fired? Nope.
Was Goforth (who said that she sent the e-mail "to the wrong list of people")fired? Nope.
"The ugly consequences of open hatred"
A recent column by Leonard Pitts begins with the following quotes:
"Them Jews aren't going to let [President Obama] talk to me.": Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
"I hate gay people . . .": Tim Hardaway, former NBA player.
"She's frightening. And she's racist.": former Christian Coalition executive director Dennis Baxley on Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
"Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.": Glenn Beck to Rep. Keith Ellison, a Muslim
"Fifty years ago they'd have you hanging upside down with a [expletive] fork up your [expletive].": Michael Richards ("Seinfeld's" Kramer).
From the column:
"We act as if it were all a game, as if it means nothing when people of position and visibility spew garbage, validating and galvanizing the unhinged and the disaffected who need little encouragement to believe all their problems are caused by Them. We act as if we do not toy with fire when people of authority claim white Christians are a vicimized minority or Hispanics a threatening and faceless Other. We act as if we were not heirs and witnesses to a blood-soaked history that tells us exactly where this hate some of us so fecklessly stoke will logically, inevitably lead."
"Them Jews aren't going to let [President Obama] talk to me.": Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
"I hate gay people . . .": Tim Hardaway, former NBA player.
"She's frightening. And she's racist.": former Christian Coalition executive director Dennis Baxley on Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
"Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.": Glenn Beck to Rep. Keith Ellison, a Muslim
"Fifty years ago they'd have you hanging upside down with a [expletive] fork up your [expletive].": Michael Richards ("Seinfeld's" Kramer).
From the column:
"We act as if it were all a game, as if it means nothing when people of position and visibility spew garbage, validating and galvanizing the unhinged and the disaffected who need little encouragement to believe all their problems are caused by Them. We act as if we do not toy with fire when people of authority claim white Christians are a vicimized minority or Hispanics a threatening and faceless Other. We act as if we were not heirs and witnesses to a blood-soaked history that tells us exactly where this hate some of us so fecklessly stoke will logically, inevitably lead."
Frank Rich On Haters
Recommended: this Frank Rich op-ed. Interestingly, Rich notes Fox News anchor Shephard Smith's comments on the frightening and hateful e-mails Smith has received and the Americans who are, in Smith's words, "out there in a scary place."
Changes To The Texas Top Ten Percentage Plan
The legislature of the state of Texas has voted to change the program under which graduates in the top 10 percent of their high schools were automatically admitted to the Texas university of their choice. The law caps the number of top ten percenters at three-fourths of a university's incoming class.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
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