A recent column by Leonard Pitts begins with the following quotes:
"Them Jews aren't going to let [President Obama] talk to me.": Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
"I hate gay people . . .": Tim Hardaway, former NBA player.
"She's frightening. And she's racist.": former Christian Coalition executive director Dennis Baxley on Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
"Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.": Glenn Beck to Rep. Keith Ellison, a Muslim
"Fifty years ago they'd have you hanging upside down with a [expletive] fork up your [expletive].": Michael Richards ("Seinfeld's" Kramer).
From the column:
"We act as if it were all a game, as if it means nothing when people of position and visibility spew garbage, validating and galvanizing the unhinged and the disaffected who need little encouragement to believe all their problems are caused by Them. We act as if we do not toy with fire when people of authority claim white Christians are a vicimized minority or Hispanics a threatening and faceless Other. We act as if we were not heirs and witnesses to a blood-soaked history that tells us exactly where this hate some of us so fecklessly stoke will logically, inevitably lead."
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